Sunday, August 26, 2012

Paradox For Entrepreneurship

" The greater the organization, orderliness, discipline, and control, the less you will control your ultimate destiny."

          This means that entrepreneurs must be flexible enough and has the ability to make a great strategies and plans for the business in order for it to be successful. Overcontrol and an obsession with orderliness are impediments to the entrepreneurial approach. Entrepreneurship is highly dynamic, fluid, ambiguous, and chaotic character that an entrepreneur must be capable enough in adjusting every changes and challenges they may face on.

Paradox For Entrepreneurship

" The greater the organization, orderliness, discipline, and control, the less you will control your ultimate destiny."

          This means that entrepreneurs must be flexible enough and has the ability to make a great strategies and plans for the business in order for it to be successful. Overcontrol and an obsession with orderliness are impediments to the entrepreneurial approach. Entrepreneurship is highly dynamic, fluid, ambiguous, and chaotic character that an entrepreneur must be capable enough in adjusting every changes and challenges they may face on.

Paradox For Entrepreneurship

" The greater the organization, orderliness, discipline, and control, the less you will control your ultimate destiny."

          This means that entrepreneurs must be flexible enough and has the ability to make a great strategies and plans for the business in order for it to be successful. Overcontrol and an obsession with orderliness are impediments to the entrepreneurial approach. Entrepreneurship is highly dynamic, fluid, ambiguous, and chaotic character that an entrepreneur must be capable enough in adjusting every changes and challenges they may face on.

Want To Be An Entrepreneur?

All individuals can be an entrepreneur. It has no exemption. But one should have the skills, values, talents, abilities, and mind-sets.

The most important skill any entrepreneur needs is self-motivation. An entrepreneur must have the ability to wake up in the morning and begin working. They must be motivated in achieving business goals. Every entrepreneur needs to be confident in their selves, their product, and to their business. Ethics and morals are the foundation of every good entrepreneur. Early on you must decide what you and your business will stand for and what lines you will refuse to cross. Another skill is time management. An entrepreneur must know how to manage his/her time and need to realize that every minute is valuable.

One must be optimistic, trustworthy, honest, and the like. Optimism is truly an asset, and it will help you get through the tough times that many entrepreneurs experience as they find a business model that works for them. It is very important that an entrepreneur must be honest in his/her work for him to get the trust of the people around him. A person can prove their trustworthiness by fulfilling an assigned responsibility and not to let down expectations.

Determinants of Success and Failure in New Business

Success or failure, these two are the only endpoint of a venture especially to start-up companies who are likely to do strategies just to survive. But failure is a tail of success. To succeed, one first has to experience failure.

Determinants of success and failure are:

  1. Teamwork   "One team, one goal", working together to achieve business goals. Teamwork can build a good relationship within the team.
  2. Leadership - one should have a good leader to manage the operations of a business, not just the operations but also the management itself.
  3. Specialization - more likely a segregation of duties. An employee is assigned to a work depending on its skills and specialization in order for him to show a good performance in his work.
  4. Big opportunity - at the heart of the process is the opportunity. It is discuss in the Timmons Model that a good idea is not necessarily a good business opportunity. It is, wherein, a good idea is being put into with the opportunity considering the market demand. Opportunity is really important for time to do with the idea or plan.
  5. Resources - resources is really important for the business to survive. You first need to have all the resources in place, especially the money, to succeed with a venture. With these great resources, its easy then for the venture to attract investors to invest in the business.
  1. Unrealistic goal - goals that are impossible to achieve can lead a venture to fail. With this unrealistic goal, the management will not function well and as a result, there will be a poor performance of the management as well as its business operations.
  2. Underestimating start-up costs - some of the costs needed in startups are predictable but there are some that is not easy to anticipate and this situation can result a shortage of cash.
  3. Depending too much on others - relying too much on a handful key workers can be a big mistake, and one that could even cause the business to fail.
  4. Hiring wrong people - the problem of hiring the wrong people can keep coming back to haunt the business again and again. Bad workers could ultimately hurt, rather than help the business to succeed.
  5. Less Communication - communication is very important in business. Without communication, information within a business will not be spread correctly and this could foster distrust or hostility from employees.
Feasibility Study could also be a determinant for success and failure of a new business. In such way,we will know if its feasible or not to build the certain project we want.

The people itself working in a certain business has the best and worst chances for success. In a way that, they are the one who work hard and doing their best just to bring their business into success.

Describing Entrepreneurship


        Entrepreneurship is a way wherein a person or individual think, plan, act, and manage a venture. This may exist in new business organization to improve its management and operations in order for it to mature and become stable in business world.


        This can be explain through metaphors. The metaphors indicating the special characteristics and features of entrepreneurship; expressions to emphasize the ideas of creativity and activeness; machinery or physical object-type; actively nature-related metaphors; sports and games; metaphors indicating adventurers, warriors and battlers; and other metaphors that can describe entrepreneurship.

        In my understanding, entrepreneurship can be compared to a bitter melon (ampalaya). Bitter to the taste as where its name derived from and you will absolutely say "NO" when you first taste it. But as we all know, bitter melon contains good nutrients that are essential in our body needs especially to those people who have low red blood cells and have high blood pressure. Relating to entrepreneurship, managing start-up companies is so risky that may lead to business failure, but with the skilled entrepreneurs, there are chances to attain success using their creativity, imaginations, motivation, integrity, teamwork, and vision into their companies. Indeed its bitter at first but sweet when pursued.


        "The less number of employees a business have, the more productive it can be."

        Obviously, all business institutions manage the numbers of employees they have. Too many employees make your business run too slow in the sense that employees will become dependent to other employee. Entrepreneurs think of the right number of employees his/her business need. With this sufficient number of employees, each can work efficiently with their work assignments and can avoid such issue(being dependent). For example, a group activity. It is better to have 3-5 members each group than to have 8-10 members or more. Less members  is easy to organize and everyone can do their works effectively and the essence of unity will exist. However 8 up is hard to manage. Others will just sit there and just do chatting with other members, not thinking of helping those busy ones. Therefore, less employee could create a greater output.

Timmons Model of the Entrepreneurial Process

      The key factors in the Timmons model (see below) are the entrepreneur and the founding team, the opportunity, and the resources that are mustered to start the new organization. Put simplistically, the Timmons model is normative. The key ingredient is the entrepreneur. If the entrepreneur has the right stuff, he or she will deliberately search for an opportunity, and upon finding it, shape it so that is has the potential to be a commercial success, or what Timmons calls a high-potential venture. The entrepreneur then gathers the resources that are necessary to start a business to capitalize on his or her opportunity. Explicit in the Timmons framework is the notion that the entrepreneur and the provider of capital will be rewarded with profits, and that both are commensurate with the risk and effort involved in starting, financing, and building the business. The entrepreneur usually risks career, personal cash-flow, and some or all of his or her net worth. In an ideal situation, all this is quantified in a business plan before the business is operational.

The Opportunity Factor

The Timmons model of entrepreneurship believes that entrepreneurship is opportunity driven, or that the market shapes the opportunity. A good idea is not necessarily a good business opportunity and the underlying market demand determines the potential of the idea. An idea becomes viable only when it remains anchored in products or services that create or add value to customers, and remains attractive, durable, and timely.The model holds that a sound business opportunity would readily receive financing, and identification of the opportunity first makes the business plan failure-proof.

The Team Factor

Once the entrepreneur identifies an opportunity, he or she works to start a business by putting together the team and gathering the required resources. The size and nature of the opportunity determines the size and shape of the team.
The Timmons model places special importance on the team and considers a good team as indispensable for success. A bad team can waste a great idea. Among all resources, only a good team can unlock a higher potential with any opportunity and manage the pressures related to growth.
The two major roles of the team, relative to the other critical factors are:
  • Removing the ambiguity and uncertainty of the opportunity by applying creativity.
  • Providing leadership to manage the available resources in the most effective manner by interacting with exogenous forces and the capital market context that keeps changing constantly.
The Timmons model holds the entrepreneur’s ability to conjure up a great team as a major factor of business success. Great teams, however, remain scarce always and the responsibility is on the entrepreneur to coach team members to excel.

The Resources Factor

Like the formation of the team, the size and type of opportunity determine the level and extent of resources required. While good resources remain scarce, businesses with high potential opportunities and a good management team will have no problem attracting money and other resources.
The entrepreneur works to “minimize and control” rather than “maximize and own." The role of the entrepreneur in managing the resources include building a good resource base to draw from when required and drawing up a business plan through a “fit and balance” method that balances the available resource with the opportunity and the potential of the team.



  •  Adapted from Business Plans That Work: A Guide For Small Business, by Jeffry A. Timmons, Andrew Zacharakis, Stephen Spinelli, McGraw Hill, 2004
  • Understanding the Timmons Model of Entrepreneurship , written by: N Nayab (source:Timmons, Jeffry, A.; Zacharakis, Andrew, and Spinelli, Stephen. (2004). Business Plans That Work: A Guide For Small Business. McGraw Hill.)

Timmons Model of the Entrepreneurial Process

  Odds  for  Success

       Opportunity is at the heart of the process. Taking opportunity can lead business to success. This opportunity can be more effective if this will be analyze properly (what market, technology, competitive management, and financial risks can be reduced or eliminated. The said opportunity may contains a risks, but higher risk gives higher return that will lead the business into success.
           Entrepreneurs must have these creative and good strategies in allocating or controlling their resources. Thinking money first is a big mistake. This can make the business set unrealistic goals that the management cannot accomplish. Resources is very important, it should be controlled and minimized for it becomes a way of maximizing shareholder value.
       Teamwork builds unity to perform a smooth flow of doing their jobs. People involve has its own qualities and expertise that can supply a great team. This can help the venture to be more productive and survive in the business world.

          Think of a pole dancer, they are going to put their strength in the upper body to carry their selves in the pole. This can be relate to entrepreneurship, in the sense that, an entrepreneur must have a strength to carry challenges or risks they’re facing on or will be facing on. Or a circus performer, they need more practice (focus and self-trust) just to get a perfect performance. An entrepreneurship goes like this too. Entrepreneurs should trust their selves that they can do it, they can make it, they can survive and success will be in their hands.