Sunday, August 26, 2012

Describing Entrepreneurship


        Entrepreneurship is a way wherein a person or individual think, plan, act, and manage a venture. This may exist in new business organization to improve its management and operations in order for it to mature and become stable in business world.


        This can be explain through metaphors. The metaphors indicating the special characteristics and features of entrepreneurship; expressions to emphasize the ideas of creativity and activeness; machinery or physical object-type; actively nature-related metaphors; sports and games; metaphors indicating adventurers, warriors and battlers; and other metaphors that can describe entrepreneurship.

        In my understanding, entrepreneurship can be compared to a bitter melon (ampalaya). Bitter to the taste as where its name derived from and you will absolutely say "NO" when you first taste it. But as we all know, bitter melon contains good nutrients that are essential in our body needs especially to those people who have low red blood cells and have high blood pressure. Relating to entrepreneurship, managing start-up companies is so risky that may lead to business failure, but with the skilled entrepreneurs, there are chances to attain success using their creativity, imaginations, motivation, integrity, teamwork, and vision into their companies. Indeed its bitter at first but sweet when pursued.


        "The less number of employees a business have, the more productive it can be."

        Obviously, all business institutions manage the numbers of employees they have. Too many employees make your business run too slow in the sense that employees will become dependent to other employee. Entrepreneurs think of the right number of employees his/her business need. With this sufficient number of employees, each can work efficiently with their work assignments and can avoid such issue(being dependent). For example, a group activity. It is better to have 3-5 members each group than to have 8-10 members or more. Less members  is easy to organize and everyone can do their works effectively and the essence of unity will exist. However 8 up is hard to manage. Others will just sit there and just do chatting with other members, not thinking of helping those busy ones. Therefore, less employee could create a greater output.

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